GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "Frontend Architectures: From the Prehistoric to the Post-Modern"

Time: Wednesday 12:10 - 13:00 / Location: Walton South

What architecture does your frontend use? Do you output HTML from the server and decorate it with a bit of JS? Do you output JSON from the server and render client-side templates? Do you serve your entire site as a stateful single page webapp?

In the modern day, we have many different styles for our frontend architectures, and each of them comes with its benefits and drawbacks. Unfortunately, there is no one "best" style for everyone. Instead, you have to decide what matters most to you - whether that's a dynamic user experience, a better development environment, a less redundant codebase, a more accessible website, or any host of other factors - and then decide what style fits your priorities.

In my short time as a frontend developer at Coursera, I've experienced every frontend architectural style there is, and felt their pains and pleasures. I'll share what I've learnt with all of you, so that you can make a better decision on your next webapp.

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Pamela Fox, Front-End Engineer at Coursera

Pamela Fox

Biography: Pamela Fox

Pamela Fox loves to learn, teach, create, and every combination of those. During the day, she works as a frontend engineer at Coursera, working to improve the future of online education. At night and on the weekends, she teaches web development classes for the GirlDevelopIt San Francisco chapter.. Before that, she worked in Google Developer Relations, and graduated from USC's Computer Science Department (Go Trojans!).

Twitter: @pamelafox
